If you run a small or medium-sized business, it can be virtually impossible to get a well-known celebrity to endorse the product you sell.  Surreal Cereal seems to have cracked the code, and if you want, but cannot afford a genuine celebrity endorsement, their strategy is fiendishly clever.

Recently, the company did a blitz-style ad campaign with a variety of billboards in London and other cities in the UK.  Other than changing the “celebrity” name, they all say essentially the same thing:

“We’re Dwayne Johnson’s favorite cereal*” next to a picture of the cereal box.

Then, beneath that, there’s an additional note:

“* Dwayne Johnson is a bus driver from London”

Now that’s clever!  Not only is it attention getting, but it also inevitably creates a “Wait, what?” moment in the reader’s mind and the ad campaign has been a huge success and has shown up on a variety of social media channels, giving everyone a good chuckle.

The best part is, almost every business has customers with names that are identical to, or similar enough to easily be assumed to be the name of a well-known celebrity, and their endorsements of whatever product you sell are certain to be much less expensive to secure, which is to say that it’s a strategy nearly anyone can employ.

This is the kind of thing we excel at.  Our advertising professionals have decades of combined experience thinking outside the box and coming up with clever ways to shine a spotlight on your product or brand.

If you’re struggling to come up with something memorable for your next ad campaign, help is just a phone call or click away.  Just call us at 770-391-8528.