Recently, there has been a lot of buzz in the marketplace about the importance of storytelling in marketing, and specifically, using storytelling to create an emotional connection with customers via advertising.

This is not a new idea.  In fact, as far back as 2015, a piece appeared in the Harvard Business Review that covered this basic idea.  It’s very good to see the idea gaining traction.

In the realm of billboard advertising, at first glance, it might be difficult to envision many opportunities for storytelling and emotional connection, but increasingly, companies are finding a way.  Take, for example, a recent campaign conducted by Coke featured this delightful image. While the design of this ad is fairly simple, there’s actually a lot going on here and a lot to talk about.  This billboard actually does tell a story in three parts:

  • Share a Coke with…
  • Someone’s name (in this case, James)
  • And the phrase “open happiness”

Now, if you’re driving by this billboard and you don’t know anyone named James, it’s likely that it won’t have a huge impact on you.  On the other hand, if you do know a James, this might bring a smile to your face.  In fact, it could prompt you to give James a call later that evening and have a drink or share a meal.

Even if that drink isn’t Coke, odds are excellent that you’ll remember the advertisement, and that the next time you’re at the grocery store, you’ll pick up some coke.

Telling stories and creating an emotional response in those who view your ad is far beyond, and vastly superior to simply extolling the virtues of your products features.  Those are the kinds of ads that get remembered, shared via social media, and talked about.  In a word, they build loyalty, and that does great things for your bottom line.

Does this kind of ad campaign excite you?  Would you like something similar from whatever products or services your company offers?  If so, we can help with that!  Just give our marketing professionals a call at 770-391-8528.  We’ll be happy to sit down with you and discuss the possibilities!