Tesco Does It Right

Tesco Does It Right

Recently, Tesco, a British supermarket chain with stores spread across nearly a dozen countries around the world, hit upon an innovative and frankly ingenious way of using digital billboards to draw attention to their brand. The billboard in question is located in...
OOH Spending Surges

OOH Spending Surges

Think about the last time you were on the internet.  It is overwhelmingly likely that as you navigated the web, your search for the information you were looking for was interrupted by ads. Some of those ads were probably those super annoying popup ads, while others...
M&S Foods Gets It Right

M&S Foods Gets It Right

Unless you live in Ireland or the UK, you may not be familiar with M&S Foods.  If you’re not, it pays to spend a moment watching video footage of the unique billboard ad they’ve currently got on display on a variety of screens in Manchester and London. The ad...
McDonalds Scores Another Hit!

McDonalds Scores Another Hit!

McDonalds has a long history of creating incredibly successful, impactful ads.  It’s something they’ve gotten very good at, and one of their recent ad campaigns makes a direct reference to current events while increasing their own brand awareness. The billboard...
Humor Can Be Devastatingly Effective

Humor Can Be Devastatingly Effective

Humor can be an incredibly effective way of reaching new customers with billboard advertising, but it’s also something that’s very easy to get wrong.  If your joke isn’t expertly crafted, you can wind up alienating as many people as you endear, so it has to be...