Franchises have exclusive advertising opportunities as a business that functions independently under the umbrella of the corporation. Although a lot of the rules and regulations are put in place to strengthen the franchise owners, they are also given a lot of freedom when it comes to advertising. Each franchise could possibly be running different campaigns depending on the area they are in or announcing different promotions. An option to consider is billboard advertising to showcase your franchise locally.

Billboards drive traffic to you. Most forms of marketing are costly and do not produce positive ROI for your franchise, however, billboards deliver the lowest CPM (cost per thousand impressions) of any of the other traditional forms of advertising such as TV or radio. It provides the amount of foot traffic your business is looking for.

Building a strategy that works for your franchise is crucial to a successful billboard campaign is specifically tailored to your business. Locating a billboard in a desired area that targets your clientele will make your brand pop. For food or fitness franchises a great way to use billboards is directing people to your location. Another great use is displaying promotions on a digital billboard that can be updated when the promotional changes. The opportunities are endless.

As a franchise owner, keep in mind the unique opportunity billboards offer your business when your thinking of ways to advertise. Invest in a form of advertising that bring awareness to your brand or helps you gain more clients.