There are any number of potential marketing strategies the owners of small to medium-sized companies can employ when it comes to OOH. Tell compelling stories with images. Use bold, eye-catching colors. Minimize text. That kind of thing.
It’s all good advice but even taken together, it misses a certain key element that contains a kind of advertising magic. That element is the human touch. The human dimension.
It doesn’t really matter what font you use, or what your color scheme is, or what slogans you use – if your billboard doesn’t connect with viewers on a human level, it’s simply not going to be a success.
Converse Marketing understands this, and builds that human element into the campaigns they run for a number of clients.
Have a look at these two recent examples, one for Midstate College, and the other from Jones Interiors. When you see it, you won’t be able to unsee it. That human connection, in the form of customer testimonials.
The simple truth is that whatever business you’re in, whatever product or service you offer, whatever you say about what you sell isn’t going to be as impactful as what your customers say about you. That’s the best marketing there is. Nothing trumps a customer’s kind words and glowing praise. Use that.
If you’re struggling to come up with a killer concept for your next ad campaign, we can help! Our advertising professionals have decades of experience and would be happy to sit down with you and help you design a memorable campaign that will take your business to the next level. To get started just give our office a call at 770-391-8528.