If you’re looking for an easy win where your next OOH advertising campaign is concerned, you can do a lot worse than studying the moves of one of the most successful companies in modern history – McDonalds.
Even if you don’t eat at McDonalds, you’ve almost certainly seen their billboard ads, and odds are good that they made you smile. The company is simply amazing at coming up with conversation-starting billboard designs, and new technologies including 3D billboards have expanded their options.
Another element to consider copying is the notion of leveraging something even more well known than you are.
In the case of McDonalds, it might be somewhat difficult to find things even more well known than the golden arches, but where your company is concerned, it’s almost certainly easier.
Take a look at this McDonalds 3d Billboard ad to see the kind of thing we’re talking about.
Honestly, just about everything is better and more memorable when paired with Santa Claus!
That’s just as true of the Big Mac as it is whatever your company sells. During the Holiday season, this is one of the easiest ways to get noticed. Everybody loves Santa and the elves. Everybody loves the sleigh, reindeer, gingerbread villages dressed up with candy cane street lights and the like.
The options are virtually unlimited, which gives you almost unlimited freedom to merge your products or services with a holiday theme that’s almost certain to be talked about.
If you like the general idea but are struggling with a specific concept, we can help with that. Our advertising professionals have decades of combined experience and we’d love the opportunity to work with you. To get started, just give our office a call at 770-391-8528.