Depending on the business you’re in, you may be wondering how digital out of home advertising can help you.  After all, it seems reasonable to conclude that some products are simply better suited to a digital ad campaign than others, but is that true, at the end of the day?

Ad agency Creativa doesn’t really think so, and to demonstrate that any product can be advertised digitally in a compelling way, the company designed an eye catching digital ad for a mild cheese popular in Australia.

The billboard that ran the ad was located in the city of Melbourne, and it not only caught the attention of passersby, but was interested and unexpected enough that many viewers made videos so they could share it on a wide range of social media channels, which is exactly what the manufacturer was hoping for.

The simple truth is that if a cheese maker can find delightfully unexpected ways to leverage the power of digital out of home advertising, you can too.  Creativa has demonstrated that even working with a humble product like cheese, it is entirely possible to create an eye-catching ad that will be talked about and shared, which will increase awareness about your brand.

All that to say, if you’re struggling to come up with a big idea for your next ad campaign, we can help with that.  Our advertising professionals have decades of combined experience and are capable of thinking beyond the traditional 2D advertising canvas in order to take your advertising game to the next level.

In addition to that, we can help ensure your advertising budget does more by optimizing the placement of your ads on billboards where your customers are most likely to be, increasing the ROI on every advertising dollar you spend.  If either of those ideas excite you, just give our office a call at 770-391-8528 and let’s talk about how we can help!