Sometimes, the most effective advertising campaigns don’t focus on whatever product you’re selling at all, but rather, showcase your company’s efforts to improve the space you do business in.  What we’re talking about here specifically is corporate citizenship.

Here’s the simple truth:  People these days are very mindful of who they do business with.  Nobody wants to interact with or buy from a corporate villain.  They want to do business with the good guys, but there’s a problem:  While bad corporate actors make the news all the time, corporate good deeds seldom get any headlines.

Your company might be doing all sorts of things to improve your local community, but if nobody knows about them, you won’t get any credit for that.  Good corporate citizenship can be an integral part of your brand’s story, but you have to make the conscious decision to make it so.

Facebook is an excellent case in point.  The company found itself in a fair amount of hot water and CEO Mark Zuckerberg even got called to testify before congress because of several missteps they made in the months leading up to the 2016 presidential election.

The company took bold steps to correct the mistakes they made and worked hard to reform their image, even going so far as to dedicate an ad campaign to highlight the actions they had taken, especially as it related to Fake News.

The ad campaign was wildly successful and although it alone did not completely restore the company’s image, it went a long way toward reassuring the public that the company had and was changing.  They were listening and responding, and their ad campaign sparked a global conversation that continues to this day. This basic strategy can work for any company, no matter what business you’re in and we can help with that.  Not only can we play a pivotal role in designing your next ad campaign, we can make sure that you’re maximizing the ROI of every advertising dollar you spend by properly locating your billboards for maximum exposure.  Call our office today at 770-391-8528.