It doesn’t matter if you’re a member of a political action committee, or the owner of a business who wants to make his or her voice heard when it comes to who you’re throwing your support behind in the upcoming election cycle, it pays to spend your advertising dollars wisely!  In this piece, we’ll provide you with a quick overview of how you can do just that.

The Trust Factor

The first thing to bear in mind is that most voters, even if they strongly support a given candidate, don’t really trust politics all that much.  OOH advertising then, is an excellent platform to convey political messages because it is one of the most highly trusted advertising mediums there is, and that helps serve as a counterweight to the problem of untrustworthy politicians.  Granted, it doesn’t solve for it completely, but it helps.

All Politics Is Local

Yes, the Presidential election is a national contest, but the Presidency isn’t the only election to be decided, and even if it was, the rank and file voter is mostly concerned with how the policies fronted by this or that candidate will impact their local communities, their friends and families, and them personally.  That makes sense, and if you do a bit of research and really dial into what the local pain points of your community are, then you can custom tailor a politically oriented message around those pain points for maximum impact.

DOOH For The Win!

Digital OOH Advertising is probably your best bet when it comes to political messaging.  Not only are the screens ubiquitous these days, but you can tailor your ad delivery such that the message is displayed at the most impactful times of day.

Consider, for example, the prospect of renting space on a DOOH screen outside a busy office building.  In order to maximize exposure to your message, you’d probably want it to appear a bit before 8am when everyone is making their way into the office.  During the lunch hour block, and again, just after five when most folks are leaving.  That’s how you maximize your advertising ROI!

It’s About More Than Messaging

Yes, you absolutely want to convey your message about the candidate you prefer in hopes of changing minds, but where the Presidential election is concerned, that’s not enough by itself.  The sad reality is that voter participation rates in the United States are frustratingly low, so at the end of your message, be sure to provide directions to the nearest voting location to provide an additional nudge.  That might be the very thing that prompts them to put in an appearance on voting day, and every vote matters! 

Create A Sense of Urgency

In a similar vein, you’ll also want to create a sense of urgency and tie it to your message.  The best way to go about doing this is to combine your message with a countdown displaying the number of days until the election itself.

If you keep the points above in mind, you’ll not only be an effective booster of your chosen candidates for political office this election season, you’ll maximize the impact of the ads you display, and that ultimately means more votes for the candidates you support!