Are you struggling to come up with your next great ad campaign? If so, it may be the case that you’re trying too hard or focused on the wrong thing.
Just about everyone approaches advertising from a product perspective. What do you sell? What makes it stand out? Focus on those things and design an ad around it and you’re all set, right?
You can certainly take that approach and even be successful with it, but just about everyone is doing that, which makes it very difficult to stand out from the crowd.
If you’re interested in an alternate approach, you could take a page from the Dutch Stutter Foundation, which recently displayed a number of eye-catching billboards around the city of Amsterdam. Their use of “stacked” billboards to create a partially visible, repeated message is a brilliant way of replicating a speech stutter in written form and it has been wildly successful in drawing attention to stutterers, stuttering and the challenges that come with it.
Even if drawing attention to this particular issue doesn’t align with your company’s values, the idea can be applied to just about anything. It’s simply a matter of finding a clever way to display a message about the thing you care about.
For companies brave enough to take this approach, it can pay huge dividends. You get to show the consuming public what you care about and draw attention to it. In doing so, you also draw attention to your brand and that, in turn, increases your bottom line.
That’s advertising at its very best. You advertise your company and your brand by specifically not talking about the products or services you provide. It works because increasingly, today’s consumers want a brand story and an experience, not just the facts and figures of the products you sell.
If you’re having a hard time wrapping your brain around how to set a campaign up along these lines, we can help with that. Just give our office a call at 770-391-8528 and lets make advertising magic together!